Begin Your Adventure
Conquer the Unknown
A lonely warrior stands at the edge of a precipice, looking out at the vast world below, wondering where the next adventure will take them.
The raucous party looking for a heroic quest enters a tavern ready to set off, only to find that the bartender doesn’t know where most of the town went to, and doesn’t really care to find them.
The fresh-faced adventurer looks out the window into the distant sunset, longing for something more, but unsure how to take that first step.
A professional online dungeon master is your guide to the world of Dungeons & Dragons. Whether you need someone to help you understand the rules, a mentor for a party night or special event, or a bard to launch your next campaign, our profession dungeon master can help. With an assortment of online tools and armed with the latest user-friendly edition of D&D, our dungeon master takes you to historical and fantastic realms where you’ll experience palace intrigue, the fall and rise of societies and empires, and the development of advanced technologies. With a professional online dungeon master taking care of everything, all that’s left to worry about is what will you do when it is your turn?
Meet the Dungeon Master
Liam “Delphi” Casteel is a former educator and lifelong lover of the power of stories.
Master of Education
Master of Arts in History, with a focus on storytelling, mythology, and social history
20+ years experience with online role playing
10 years experience as Dungeon Master
7 years experience as a social studies educator
See more about Delphi in our blog.
“Delphi is always patient and helps me understand the different aspects in the game.”
“Amazing DM it came to dialogue between NPCs. It felt as if the world was alive in some sort of way.”
“Best DM I’ve ever had!”
“10/10 for portraying characters of the dungeon. Respectful and super easy going.”

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