Community Standards
All communities require basic guidelines and norms to support the shared experience. These guidelines are designed to help all members feel safe and valued in the community. In our community, we strive for personal growth and excellence in the role-playing experience. The standards below are meant to reflect this belief from the community's perspective.
Should a player or member violate any of these standards, the situation will be discussed with an eye on what happened, why the offender acted as they did, how the offender's actions harmed the community, and how the offender will be a better member of the community going forward. In some cases, additional punitive actions may be taken, including temporary or permanent removal from a campaign and/or the server. In cases where punitive action is necessary, the decision of the Gamemaster will be final.
Community Standards
These standards apply throughout the Delphi Adventures server, including all text and voice channels. Participation in the community indicates your acceptance of these standards. These standards are modified from the Magpie Games community.
Be Kind — At some level, we're all here for each other. If we're lucky, we get to have great discussions, challenge our ideas, and communicate across great distances. But none of that can happen if we're cruel, unfair, or mean to each other. Before you post, ask yourself if you're adding anything of value to the discussion with your words. If not, take a step back and return when you're ready to be good to everyone else here.
Be Charitable — Assume that everyone here is trying their best. Ask for clarification before you declare something to be terrible, and quietly report posts that violate these rules via DM instead of giving the original poster more of your energy.
Be Specific — Clearly state what kind of information or feedback you want, and provide enough context so everyone in the conversation understands what you need or want to discuss. When engaging with big topics, ensure you share your experiences rather than speak in generalizations or for an entire group of people.
Be Inclusive — I want to create the most welcoming community I can, both for this space and for my games, so think carefully about how your words might read to someone who isn't you. Derogatory or hurtful comments, jokes, and discourse drive off people who would otherwise be a great part of our community. Let’s make our spaces welcome to everyone!
Be Good — Post your best stuff here. Reach beyond easy answers or simple questions and offer this community your best. We’re always excited to get feedback, but we ask that you take the time to ensure you’re offering us your most thoughtful critique. We are excited to have you here and hope you're excited to be here, too!
Be Accountable — It’s important that we all take time to reflect and grow. If you witness or are part of a community conflict, take the time to reflect on what you contributed, listen to what needs to happen to move forward, and engage in healthy changes.
Player Standards
These standards apply in all live and text game sessions. Participation in a game session indicates your acceptance of these standards.
Be a Teammate — These games are team-centric adventures. There can be drama and interesting storylines between characters, but ultimately, you are part of the same team. As players, work for each other and support one another when everyone gets their time in the spotlight. This is especially true when characters are at odds with each other or doing things that will likely have dire consequences for the group. Remember, at the end of the day, we're all here to have fun, and a big part of that fun is playing to the nature of the game.
Be Ready — Be on time, or let us know if you're running a little late. I will generally try to start the games within five minutes of the scheduled start time. Also, check in on your character before you play. Review your spells, features, and material components, especially as you reach higher levels. Know what your character can do so you're ready when it's your time to shine! And when it is your time to shine, be ready, be excited, and DO THE THING!
Be in the Moment — Role-playing games are all about the shared story; you never know when you might be called upon! Keep yourself aware of what's going on in the game (of course, if you have to step away for a moment, just let us know). Also, let others have their moment. Even as you enjoy the game, don't jump in with excessive/non-canonical commentary, as it may detract from another player's spotlight.
Be Safe — Remember people's limits. No one needs to explain any limit they may have, and we all have an obligation to keep each other safe from topics and content that may be uncomfortable. Use the safety tools if necessary. If you ever need a refresher on the tools, let me know.
Be Flexible — We're all here to enjoy the game! Have fun and roll with it. Enjoy each other's company and forgive mistakes. Trust in each other that we'll have a great time, and no matter what may happen in-game, it'll be a blast!
Cancellation Policy
Effective January 1, 2024
Role-playing games are cooperative adventures requiring a certain amount of planning and preparation. If a player skips a session, this impacts both the planning process and the other players in the game. This cancellation policy ensures sufficient opportunity to complete alternative preparations and addresses the impact of a last-minute reduced roster on the game.
Skipping a Session
Ongoing weekly commitments are challenging; understandably, players occasionally need to skip a session. There is no fee for skipping sessions through StartPlaying.
Players are responsible for skipping sessions via their StartPlaying dashboard (instructions) at least 24 hours before game time. Players who do not skip the session in StartPlaying before the deadline incur a fee as though they canceled within 24 hours (see below).
Players who may have to miss (but are unsure) are encouraged to skip the session via their StartPlaying dashboard.
The StartPlaying dashboard locks out cancellations within 24 hours of game time, but players can rejoin the campaign until the game’s start time.
Players who need to skip are also encouraged to check with the Gamemaster to provide instructions for their character in the event they are needed in a session (for instance, unavoidable combat in a situation the character is in). If needed, the GM will generally default to playing a character from the back with minimal resource use whenever possible.
Players who need to skip multiple sessions should also alert the Gamemaster to make appropriate arrangements for the game. Players who skip three consecutive sessions without contact with the Gamemaster may be administratively removed from the campaign.
Cancellation within 24 Hours
Filling a seat within 24 hours is challenging. Therefore, the following policies apply for cancellations within 24 hours. All cancellations within 24 hours of game time must be processed by the Gamemaster and may incur a fee to be paid at the beginning of the session. Cancellation time within 24 hours is based on the time stamp of the alert in Discord or via StartPlaying message.
The StartPlaying dashboard locks out cancellations within 24 hours of game time.
Players must contact the Gamemaster as soon as possible if they cancel within 24 hours.
Cancellations within 24 hours of game time incur a 50% fee to be charged at session time.
Cancellations within 2 hours of game time incur a 100% fee to be charged at session time.
Waivers of the fees are only at the Gamemaster’s discretion.
Frequent cancellations within 24 hours may result in the player being administratively removed from the campaign.
Players who do not contact the Gamemaster regarding a cancellation are considered no-shows.
No-show seats are impossible to refill, requiring many last-minute changes to the campaign design.
Players who are no-shows for a campaign session will be charged the full fee.
No-show players are responsible for contacting the Gamemaster within 48 hours of the game, or they will be administratively removed from the campaign. Players who are no-shows more than once in a 3-month period may be administratively removed from the campaign.
Unpaid Balance
Players will be notified if a charge fails to go through on StartPlaying via StartPlaying mail and Discord notification from the Gamemaster. This includes unpaid late cancellation fees.
Players will have 48 hours to clear the unpaid balance or to make arrangements with the Gamemaster.
Players who fail to clear their balance or make arrangements with the Gamemaster will be administratively removed from the game and unable to join any StartPlaying or Delphi Adventures game until the balance is paid.
Payment arrangements may be possible for active players in good standing for at least six months.